Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic in Harley Street

Knowhow Acupuncture
A Chinese medicine clinic in central London

Publication list: (First author paper only )
Tiejun Tang The Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Fog after Covid 19. Macau Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2022; (25): 62-66. (Chinese)
Tiejun Tang. Professor Deng Tietao’s clinical experience on SARS. Macau Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2022; (25): 110-113. (Chinese).
Tiejun Tang. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Fog of Covid 19 Survivors An Alternative View from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Harvard Business Review. China Special issue. April 2022.
Tiejun Tang. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Fog of Covid 19 Survivors An Alternative View from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Research Gate. April 2022. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33171.14880.
Tiejun Tang The clinical experience on treating Omicron variant by nourishing qi and yin method. World Chinese Medicine. Swiss ed.. 2022; 2(1).75-79.
Tiejun Tang 抗疫中的守正与创新.World Chinese Medicine. Swiss ed.. 2022; 2(1).159-163.
Tiejun Tang Post-viral Syndrome of COVID19 and TCM treatment. World Chinese Medicine. Canada Version. 2020; Aug. 34-40.
Tiejun Tang. 海外疫情与三因制宜.Macau Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2020; June (20): 22-26.
Tiejun Tang. Corn Silk -- A natural herb for diabetes --Research review. Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 2018; 25 (2):44-45.
Tiejun Tang. Case report of treatment of Kikuchi disease with traditional Chinese medicine. Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 2018; 25 (2): 50-51.
Tiejun Tang. Professor Deng Tietao’s clinical experience on treat Metabolic Syndrome Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2017; 1(1): 69.
Tiejun Tang. Case report: Primary cardiac malignant tumor. The Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. 2016; 23(2): 42-44.
Tiejun Tang. Can Acupuncture Help to Increase the Success Rate of IVF? The Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. 2016; 23(1): 21-22.
Tiejun Tang. A comparative study of traditional Chinese and western herb medicine. Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 2014; 21 (2): 38-41.
Tiejun Tang. The latest research review on Chinese herbs of anti myocardial ischemia. The Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 2014; 21 (2): 35-37.
Tiejun Tang. Metabolic Syndrome and its TCM Food Therapy. Journal of ATCM (UK) 2012; 19 (1): 14-17. (English/Chinese).
Tiejun Tang. A discussion on scientific evidence of Zang-Fu theory Journal of ATCM (UK) 2011; 18 (2): 4-5. (English/Chinese).
Tiejun Tang. Wuzhualong – An Efficient Herb of South China. Journal of ATCM (UK) 2010; 17 (2): 57-58. (English/Chinese).
Tiejun Tang. Laboratory and clinical research on Kaixin capsules Journal of ATCM (UK) 2009; 16 (2): 37-40.
Tiejun Tang. 重温大医精诚. Journal of ATCM (UK) 2009; 16 (2): 51-52.
Tiejun Tang. We are practicing the authentic Traditional Chinese Medicine outside of China. Journal of ATCM (UK) 2008; 15 (1): 31-33. (English/Chinese)
Tiejun Tang. Effect of Three Chenqi Decoctions on Intestinal Flora of Interior-Sthenia Model Mice. Journal of Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2004;23(2): 104-105.
Tiejun Tang. The nuclear factor Yin-Yang1 and the Yin/Yang theory of TCM. Journal of Shanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2004;2004;25(3):239-242.
Tiejun Tang. What dominate the spirit, heart or brain? Chinese Journal of Current Traditional and Western Medicine. 2004;2(5):443—444.
Tiejun Tang. A comparison between Western four elements theory and TCM five elements theory. Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2004;39(11):461-463.
Tiejun Tang. Professor Deng Tie-Tao’s Clinical experience about the applications of south China herbs. New Traditional Chinese Medicine 2003; 35(5)7--8.
Tiejun Tang. A brief discussion on psychology therapy of mental related disease. Journal of Practical Internal Medicine of TCM. 2003;17(2)75-76.
Tiejun Tang. Experimental research progress on anti myocardial ischemia herbs. Shenzhen Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine 2003;13(2):111-113,118.
Tiejun Tang. Adjust teaching method of TCM basic theory according to different major. Chinese Journal of Medical Education and Clinics. 2003;3(5):2-3.
Tiejun Tang. A discussing on research method of TCM syndromes. Chinese Journal of Medical Education and Clinics. 2003;3(9):2-3.
Tiejun Tang. Mechanisms of Sini Decoction on regulating β-Adrenoceptor signal ransduction during myocardial ischemia. Journal of Chinese Integrated Traditional and West Medicine. 2001;21(3):206-208.
Tiejun Tang. Desensitization ofβ-adrenoceptor during myocardial ischemia and mechanism investigation. Academic Journal of Sun Yat- Sen University of Medical Sciences. 2000; 21(4S): 53-55,76.
Tiejun Tang. The effect of Kaixin Capsule on PDGF and PDGFR mRNA expression at the artery wall of rats. Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica.2000; 16(Add):57-58.
Tiejun Tang. Pharmacodynamics comparison of different extract technique on Kaixin capsule. Traditional Chinese drug research &Clinical Pharmacology. 1999; 10(1): 45-47.
Tiejun Tang. The effect of Sini decoction on hemorheology of blood stasis model rat. Chinese Journal of Hemorhelogy 1999; 9 (3): 139.
Tiejun Tang. The prosecution and application of rat model of experimental coronary heart disease. International Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Chinese Edition) 1999; 1(4): 318-320.
Tiejun Tang. Effect of Kaixin Capsule on Blood Lipid and Lipoprotein Subfractions in Experiment CHD rats. Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1999; 16(3): 223-227.
Tiejun Tang. Aging and Cellular Signal Transduction. Journal of First Military Medical University. 1999; 19(Add): 78.
Tiejun Tang. The prosecution and application of rat model of experimental coronary heart disease. China Journal of Basic Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1998; 4 (S:S): 208—210.
Tiejun Tang. Molecule biology technique used in the TCM research. Journal of Postgraduate 1997; (10): 71.
Tiejun Tang. Teaching experience of TCM basis for Chinese pharmacy special. Military Medical Education. 1996; (1): 70.
Tiejun Tang. A Depressing market of TCM --Reason and countermeasure. Health Soft Science. 1996; (Add): 45.
Tiejun Tang. Prospect of TCM in the 21st. Century. Journal of Postgraduate 1996; (9): 53.
Tiejun Tang. Amylase activity change in the intestinal juice of mice caused by two different animal model of spleen dificiency. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy. 1994; (3): 40.
Tiejun Tang. Quantitative analysis of sIgA in the intestinal juice of spleen deficiency patients. Traditional Chinese Medicine Research. 1993; 6(1): 24.
Tiejun Tang. The effect of JPYK pill on NK and ADCC activity of spleen asthenia mice. Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica. 1992; 8 (Add): 70.
Tiejun Tang. The effect of JPYK pill on T cell subpopulation and immunological function of spleen asthenia mice. Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica. 1992; 8 (Sep.): 181.